fungus gnats Theo 22 October 2022

Fungus Gnats


Fungus Gnats

Several species of Sciarid Fly (adult version of Fungus Gnat) can cause problems, but the most commonly encountered seems to be Bradysia paupera. The related Lycoriella spp. are also known as pests in mushroom cultivation.

Adults are commonly seen around potted plants in the home and in offices, where they are sometimes mistaken for midges. In nurseries they can be seen hovering in small clouds above prominent objects, especially where there are wet areas. They can occur in the same areas as Shore Flies (Scatella spp) which feed on algae, and Moth Flies (Psychodidae).

Eggs are laid into moist soil or organic debris. The larvae itself is translucent-white with no legs and a distinct black head. Fully grown they can become approximately 1 cm long. They feed on fungi and decaying plant material, but will also feed on live plant roots, and can burrow into the stems of newly taken cuttings of plants such as Poinsettias. In turn, they are also damaging to roots and bulbs.

Agents for Fungus Gnats (click on the name for more info)

  1. Stratiolaelaps Scimitus
  2. Dalotia Coriaria
  3. Steinernema spp.